Our company uses a very unique technology that brings great benefits to all sorts of lead acid batteries in the market. Our technology for battery improvement can do this in a very quick, safe, and effective manner following scientific method and procedures regarding the maintenance, handling, recharging, and electrochemistry of lead acid batteries.
We use EBEP (Electrochemical battery enhancement process) technology, power plus additive / XTR additive which are imported from USA, to sustain healthy, soft, moisture and porous lead sulphate (Pbso4) particles. X-charger rejuvenates these batteries over a process time of 24-48 hours by charging them with patented wave-form current. We also use our solution "Elixir" to softens the lead sulfate particles deposited on the plate. This technology allows the recovery of the lost potential of any lead acid battery of any brand, make, application, state-of-charge, level of sulfation, age, size, and price. Our Health Checkup & Rejuvenation of old Batteries is produced here in two parts:
A. Health check-up of All lead Acid batteries deployed on various sites
B. Proposal for Rejuvenation of old Batteries which qualify in health Check
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To become the market leader in India for the design, look, quality, supply and service management to the entire system.